A nation is known, recognized and distinguished among the world nations by certain characteristic features. The highest and the greatest of these features is culture.


‘National Heritage of Azerbaijan: Living in Pearls of Art’ Exhibition Opens in Tashkent

On June 12, as part of the Days of Azerbaijani Culture in Uzbekistan, the exhibition ‘National Heritage of Azerbaijan: Living in Pearls of Art’ was launched at the Fine Arts Gallery of Uzbekistan. The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan, Adil Karimli, the Minister of Culture of Uzbekistan, Ozodbek Nazarbekov, well-known figures from the fields of culture, art, and science from both countries, and members of the general public of the brotherly country. Kamila Baltabayeva, director of the Uzbekistan Fine Art Gallery, talked about the art center and the exhibition. Sevil Karimova, the Head of the Department of Art and Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan, provided information about the visual and decorative-applied art of Azerbaijan. She explained that the concept of the exhibition is based on the rich history and ancient artistic traditions of the national heritage of Azerbaijan, as well as the principles of artistic inheritance.

Following this, the guests got acquainted with the exhibition. It was noted that the first section of the exhibition presents the works by Azim Azimzadeh, the founder of professional Azerbaijani graphics, preserved in the National Art Museum of Azerbaijan and created in the early 20th century. Artistic renditions of these graphic works are based on unique exhibits from the museum fund. In the second hall, visitors can see 27 pieces of Kelaghayi dating from the 18th to the 20th centuries, collected privately over the last 20 years. The third hall is dedicated to the carpets of "Azerkhalcha" OJSC. In the following hall, a video created by the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan is shown. In the lobby on the second floor of the gallery, handicrafts pertaining to embroidery, jewelry, coppersmithing, and shabaka art are on display. The process of creating handicrafts is visually demonstrated by our craftsmen. The idea of living traditions was part of the individual photo exhibition called "Ordinary City" presented at this venue.

After this, the guests watched a presentation featuring the clothing brands "ATIDE" and "Anara Zakirli." "ATIDE" is an Azerbaijani brand established in 2019 by the talented fashion designer Aida Kahveci. The name of the brand, which translates as "chest," is intentional. The goal is to maintain and pass on Azerbaijan's cultural heritage by merging our ancient national clothing, just like in the chests of our mothers and grandmothers, with modern fashion. The "Shamakhi" clothing collection is named after an ancient city in Azerbaijan known for producing some of the country's famous Kelaghayi headscarves in the Shirvan region, which were called "Shamakhi" by the locals. The clothes in the collection also feature Kelaghayi ornaments. The Azerbaijani brand "Anara Zakirli" was established in 2018. Developed by the talented fashion designer Anara Zakirli, the brand aims to introduce our national carpet ornaments, synthesizing them with modern fashion and bringing the culture of our country, blending Eastern and Western harmony, into focus. The presented clothing collection "Zarafshan" is inspired by the famous Azerbaijani carpet "Afshan.". Clothes made of unique fabrics that reflect the national ornaments of Azerbaijan, Land of Fire, are featured in the collection. Each piece is infused with centuries of history, captivating stories, fine craftsmanship, and boundless creativity.

Accompanied by Azerbaijani folk songs, the historical relics, carpets, and other handicrafts offer visitors a rich and unforgettable experience.


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