* The documentary film "On Melting Snow" by director Mojitaba Bahaduri was screened at Park Cinema (Flame Towers) on 7 October.
* The film was awarded the "For the Green World" prize at the DokuBaku International Documentary Film Festival. Deputy Minister of Culture Saadat Yusifova presented the award to the young director. "On Melting Snow" is more than a documentary; it is an artistic interpretation of the memories of our planet. The film explores the essence of life, creation, and the complicated interaction between human and nature. Mojitaba Bahaduri studied cinema at the Tehran University of Arts and later continued his education in Paris.
While in Paris, he improved his skills in shooting and editing by collaborating with the famous Louis Lumière School.
At the DokuBaku festival, three films dealing with climate issues were presented, including "On the Melting Snow." Other nominated documentaries included "Against the Wind" by Tatiana Soboleva from Russia and "Latika" by Samsul Islam Shopon from Bangladesh.