A nation is known, recognized and distinguished among the world nations by certain characteristic features. The highest and the greatest of these features is culture.


Our country was represented at international cultural policy events organized in Malta

The Republic of Azerbaijan was represented by Yashar Huseynli, Deputy Director of the Strategic Development and Project Management Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and expert of the Compendium Association for the Republic of Azerbaijan at the 6th General Assembly of the Compendium Association, Assembly of Compendium Experts, International Cultural Policy Conference and Symposium organized by the Compendium Association of Cultural Policy and Trends in cooperation with the Arts Council of Malta on October 5-7 of the current year in Valletta, Republic of Malta.
Helena Dalli, European Commissioner for Equality, Terje Hovland, Chairman of the Council of Europe Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage, and Landscape (CDCPP), Association of Compendium of Cultural Policy and Trends, Arts Council of Malta, International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA), European Institute for Comparative Cultural Researchers (ERICarts), International Network for Contemporary Performing arts  (IETM), Culture Action Europe (CAE), other influential international organizations in the field of cultural policy, and leading European specialists participated at the International Cultural Policy Conference organized under the title "Right to Culture". What are the roles of government, civil society, and the cultural sector in promoting and strengthening creative freedom, and cultural policies to ensure cultural diversity and equal opportunities and what should be done by civil society, the ways to enable individuals and communities to actively participate in cultural activities, governance, and shaping decision-making processes were discussed in the panel discussions of the International Conference on "Creative Freedom", "Cultural Diversity and Accessibility" and "Cultural Democracy".
Albania, Germany, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Armenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Croatia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Lithuania, Experts from Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, founding and permanent members of the European Council of the Compendium Association and ERICarts, and representatives of the organizing member countries participated in the 6th General Assembly of the Compendium Association of Cultural Policy and Trends and Assembly of Compendium Experts. The annual activity report for 2022-2023 of the Cultural Policy and Trends Compendium Association, financial statements, project audience, new social media formats, other organizational issues, and future perspectives were discussed. During the event, the representative of Armenia resorted to provocation and tried to confuse the audience of the international event, noting that the Azerbaijani side faced difficulties in settling the population that migrated to Armenia as a result of the 24-hour anti-terrorist operation. This provocation attempt was resolutely prevented by the Azerbaijani expert and the real essence of the issue was brought to the attention of the participants of the event.
Within the framework of the 2nd Malta National International Symposium entitled "Current State of Art" with the participation of prominent representatives of the Maltese cultural community and Compendium experts, panel discussions were held on "Contextualization of Culture Law in Malta", "Arts Council of Malta", "Autism Advisory Council", "Unfinished Art Space" and related projects of other Maltese organizations were presented. During the visit to the University of Malta, presentations were made on cultural topics such as "Art for Health and Well-being", "Gestalt Approach to Expressive arts and Community", "Using Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Policy and Cultural Participation" and so on.
For your information, the Compendium of Cultural Policy and Trends is the leading international platform for comparative analysis in the field of cultural policy. According to the compendium methodology, the national reports regularly prepared by European countries are posted on the relevant web portal and are widely used as an authoritative reference source by cultural politicians, researchers, and the cultural community. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been actively participating in this platform since 1999 and is currently an organizing member of the Compendium of Culture Policy and Trends Association.


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