A nation is known, recognized and distinguished among the world nations by certain characteristic features. The highest and the greatest of these features is culture.


Choreographer Magsud Mammadov visited at home on the occasion of his 95th birthday

Celebrated ballet master and icon of  Azerbaijani ballet, people's artist and presidential scholar Magsud Mammadov, celebrated his 95th birthday on May 30.

On June 1, Deputy Minister of Culture Murad Huseynov and key ministry officials visited the artist at his home.

The Deputy Minister congratulated the artist on his anniversary and wished him good health. It was noted that Magsud Mammadov, the first Azerbaijani ballet artist with formal education, began his career as a soloist at the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. He quickly distinguished himself as a talented, hardworking and passionate artist, earning the affection of ballet lovers.

Magsud Mammadov's contributions to Azerbaijani ballet have always been recognized by the state. He received the honorary title of "People's Artist" in 1970 and was awarded the Order of Shohrat in 2019. Since 2002, he has also received a presidential scholarship.

Later, an honorary diploma from the Ministry of Culture was awarded to the people's artist.

The veteran artist expressed his gratitude for the recognition of his work.

Born in Ganja in 1929, Magsud Davud oghlu Mammadov developed an early interest in dance, which led him to the Baku Choreographic School. Due to his remarkable artistic talent, he was later sent to the Moscow Choreographic School. Upon finishing his education there, he joined the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. He skillfully performed challenging roles from the works of world classics, including Siegfried in "Swan Lake," Desiré in "Sleeping Beauty," the Nutcracker in "The Nutcracker," Albrecht in "Giselle," and Basil in "Don Quixote." He also brought to life bright characters from Azerbaijani compositions, such as Polad in "Maiden Tower," Azad in "Gulshan," Manzar in "Seven Beauties," and Farhad in "Legend of Love."

Throughout his career, Magsud Mammadov worked in various countries including Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, Turkey, and Sweden, and played a key role in promoting our national art of choreography.

The ballets "Khazar Ballad" by Tofig Bakikhanov, "Shadows of Gobustan" and "Kaleidoscope" by Faraj Garayev, "Azerbaijan Suite" by Rauf Hajiyev, "Mugham" by Nazim Alivedibeyov, and "Babek" by Agshin Alizadeh (co-produced with his wife, the renowned ballerina and People's Artist Rafiga Akhundova (1931-2024)) brought great acclaim to the gifted choreographer.



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