A nation is known, recognized and distinguished among the world nations by certain characteristic features. The highest and the greatest of these features is culture.


The next panel of the forum: Research and protection of the immovable historical and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan

The work of the Cultural Heritage Forum organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Ministry of Culture on December 19, continues. The first panel of the second day of the forum was devoted to the research and protection of the immovable historical and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan. At the panel moderated by Nazli Ahmadova, a member of the Azerbaijan Bar Association, Shahin Seyidzadeh, Chairman of the Board of the Administration of "Icherisheher" State Historical-Architectural Reserve, spoke on the topic "Cultural heritage protection, monitoring, inventorying, and passporting, monument restoration-conservation experience, traditions, and modern approaches". He spoke about the historical monuments and living conditions in the territory of the reserve.

Sabina Hajiyeva, Head of the State Service for Cultural Heritage Conservation, Development, and Rehabilitation under the Ministry of Culture, spoke about the main directions and goals in the protection of cultural heritage in her speech on "Legislative issues in the field of cultural heritage protection". Speaking about the illegal interventions in the monuments, the head of the service pointed out that some of our historical and cultural monuments under the use of citizens are neglected. Here, both site conditions, location on private property, and other such factors hinder the protection of those monuments. Zaur Hasanov, executive director of ANAS Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography, and Anthropology, gave a speech on "New methods for the study of archaeological monuments: use of modern methodologies". The speaker drew attention to the importance of introducing modern technologies in archaeological research.

Sadagat Davudova, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board of the Reserves Management Center under the State Tourism Agency, spoke about the issues of the protection of heritage objects in the reserves under the control of the center in her speech on "Legislative issues in the protection of cultural heritage". She said that the main tasks of the Reserves Management Center are to protect tangible cultural and intangible historical heritage samples located in the territories of the reserves, to organize their efficient use for tourism purposes, to develop their tourism potential by determining the tourist routes in the reserve areas, to protect and promote historical and cultural heritage samples, to support research and raise public awareness, etc. Chingiz Nemanzadeh, deputy director of the Austrian "Ateshler" Erich Pummer company, speaking on the topic of "Management of cultural heritage monuments, modern technologies and innovations in their protection, training of personnel", spoke about the points to be paid attention to in the restoration of minarets, and the new technologies applied in this field.

His speech was accompanied by a video clip on minaret restoration technology. TV host and tour guide Fuad Akhundov spoke about inappropriate interventions on the facades of historical buildings in his speech on "Social responsibility of the population in the protection and use of architectural monuments, state and private partnership". After the speeches, opinions were exchanged on the issues and proposals raised.


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